Chanel 2016 夏季彩妝系列雖然推出咗一段時間,但係我成日都係最遲買因為希望斷曬貨嘅時候我可以死心。點知今日喺Sogo去完event 經過Chanel專櫃我好奇問BA有冇貨,竟然有!佢話咁啱今日返咗少量,所以我就當然忍唔住入手啦!而都儘快今日寫埋blogpost分享第一印象,如果你本身都考慮緊嘅話,咁希望呢個post幫到你!

The Chanel Summer 2016 collection has been out for a while now, but as always, I tend to jump on the bandwagon pretty late (beauty blogger no-no). The reason being is usually down to the fact that, if I try to buy it later on, it would probably be out of stock and thus, I don't spend my money on things that I don't need. However, I passed by the Chanel counter today at Sogo (Causeway Bay), not really expecting them to have these in stock, yet when I asked, they said yes and alas, here we are. 
I literally bought the products, shot the photos and wrote this blog post today (on the same day), which is why I thought I would share my first impressions in case some of you, like me, didn't want to get them but might change your mind after a little persuasion from me. Hope this helps!

Chanel Empreinte du Désert Eyeshadow Palette

第一件產品想買嘅就係佢地個限量四色眼影 Empreinte du Désert. 本身覺得有綠色都應該比較少用,但係老實說真係為收藏而買的。但係試上手後 一萬個意外驚喜!粉質超級buttery, 好柔滑同上色。平時Chanel 的眼影我覺得爭小小,冇咁好推之餘 d顏色唔知點解喺我對眼度唔靚,但係今次真係好意外亦都好滿意買咗佢返黎。
Palette裡面全部都係帶有珠光的眼影,包括珍珠米色,卡其啡色,深啡色 都係非常實用之選。而好特別嘅綠色同啡色配合應該唔太難carry,反而覺得今次做得好嘅就係一盒大地色配上一個突出d嘅顏色,與別不同。
眼影盒配有兩支棉掃同絲絨包包 (唔知Chanel幾時先會用真正嘅眼影掃代替棉掃呢?)

價錢: HK$530
顯色度: 4/5
柔滑度: 5/5
持久度: N/A
值得買指數: 8/10 

The first product I mainly wanted to buy from the collection was the Empreinte du Désert eyeshadow palette. I mainly wanted to collect this due to the packaging, but was pleasantly surprised once I swatched these beauties on my hand. I was never a fan of Chanel eyeshadows, they were never really smoothly pigmented and never looked good on my eyes for some reason, but this is a whole new level. The new formula makes the eyeshadows so beautifully creamy, and I am so glad to get my hands on this. 
This palette consists of four pearlescent shades, including a champagne gold color, a khaki brown, a darker brown and an emerald green. I was a bit unsure of the green at first, but once swatched I already knew how I would wear the shade and it isn't as difficult to carry as expected. 

The palette comes with two sponge-tip applicators and a velvet pouch (will Chanel ever get rid of these sponge-tip applicators and use real brushes?)

Price: US$65.00
Color Payoff: 4/5
Blendability: 5/5
Longevity: N/A
Worth Purchasing?: 8/10

Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multicolour  #Duo No. 02

第二件本身想買嘅產品就係呢個雙色嘅胭脂盒 (自然亮肌調色蜜粉)。 比我想像中更顯色,因為以前都有用過Chanel嘅胭脂 好難build up顏色。反而呢隻一掃上d顏色會好soft 好自然, 但係都上色!方便在於有一個胭脂,有一個highlight, 亦可以兩個混合黎用 達到超自然 flushed cheeks 妝感。個highlight都係非常自然,粉質細膩!

價錢: HK$480
顯色度: 4/5
柔滑度: 4/5
持久度: N/A
值得買指數: 9/10

The second product I had my eyes on from this collection was this blush duo. Again, pleasantly surprised by the color payoff, as previous Chanel blushes I've used in the past were difficult to build colour and were generally low in pigmentation. I got a fair amount of blush with just one swatch, and the color is soft and natural, yet pigmented! There are two shades in one product - one is an iridescent highlight which is extremely subtle, and a rosy-toned blush - you know those universal blushes that will suit most skin tones and give you a 'flushed cheeks' look? Yes, this is it. Blend the shades together and you get another softer, effortless blush shade. So technically, you get 3 shades in one product which is not bad at all, especially when the powders are so finely milled.

Comes with blush brush and velvet pouch

Price: US$65.00
Color Payoff: 4/5
Blendability: 4/5
Longevity: N/A
Worth Purchasing?: 9/10

Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Multi-Colour #Duo No. 01

本身唔打算買呢個嘅, 因為見佢奇奇怪怪咁,好似又橙得際,contour 有兩隻色我又怕唔會用。
淺色果隻色可以做全面嘅bronzer, 而深色嘅顏色可以做陰影 因為佢比較ash tone。而混埋一齊用個效果都係好soft,可以兩樣都做到(視乎膚色同天氣吧)。

價錢: HK$480
顯色度: 4/5
柔滑度: 4/5
持久度: N/A
值得買指數: 7/10

I wasn't intending on buying this bronzer duo. At first glance one of the shades looked too orange-y for me and I wouldn't know what to do with it. However, I swatched them on my hand with the two shades blended together and I immediately said yes. It can actually be quite a practical palette - with the lighter shade as an all-over face bronzer, the darker ashy shade as a contour, and when blended together - well you can do whatever you want with it to be honest. Eyeshadow, blush for a nude look... it's quite a multi-functional palette now that I think of it. Shades are again, comparatively more pigmented than the usual Chanel blushes and very soft. 
Comes with blush brush and velvet pouch

Price: US$65.00
Color Payoff: 4/5
Blendability: 4/5
Longevity: N/A
Worth Purchasing?: 7/10

Chanel Levres Scintillantes 
608 Adenium and 612 Dzhari

最後就係兩支唇彩喇。聽說呢個formula係改良版,亦都見到d review話佢唔錯所以自己本身唔鐘意搽lipgloss都要買返兩支試下。
首先個顯色度唔算高,特別喺我個深色嘅嘴唇上 只係一個tinted嘅效果。但係好處係佢比之前嘅配方冇咁「立」,咁厚,而glossiness都頗高,製造到玻璃唇效果。
如果本身鐘意搽潤唇膏的話,我覺得可以考慮入手(但要試清楚顏色因為有d顏色上咗嘴等如冇搽咁!)如果平時唔搽開lip gloss嘅,我覺得可以skip! 

價錢: HK$265
顯色度: 2/5
滋潤度: 4/5
持久度: N/A
值得買指數: 5/10

Last but not least are the lip glosses. I will be honest, I only bought them once I heard of great reviews about the improved formula, despite the fact I am not a lip gloss type of girl, I wanted to give them a shot. 
First of all, don't expect great color payoff - these are sheer lipglosses that add a bit of tint to your lips and that 'glass lip' effect. However, they definitely don't feel as sticky nor thick on the lips like previous lip glosses. If you like lip glosses, then highly recommend them. If you don't always wear lip gloss, skip these.

Price: US$30.00
Color Payoff: 2/5
Blendability: 4/5
Longevity: N/A
Worth Purchasing?: 5/10


Hope this post helped you out! Let me know if you got anything from the collection and your thoughts on them!

*I purchased everything in this post. 

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